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Investor Journeys

Investor Journeys is a social platform that curates a large amount of resources for learning how to invest designed to guide individuals on their path to becoming successful investors. I designed the conceptual service as part of the Google UX design certification on Coursera. Here I was tasked to design a digital service for social good. I the course we were given different scopes of focus to choose from, here I decided to design a tool to help young adults learn how to invest.

In this article I will share my thoughts on the concept as well as the design process.  Try the interactive Figma prototype here

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Through my desk reserach and interviews I found that young adults feel like Investing can be complex. Many young people may not have had the opportunity to learn about it in school or from family members. Without a solid understanding of investing basics, they may feel intimidated and unsure of where to even start.

The concept of investor Jouneys seeks to help new investors getting started in a way that is suportative no matter the individual's previous knowledge of personal economy.

Getting Started

When getting started on the the platform, the new fresh investor is offered to take a test to assess their investor type. This matches them with suitable investor types and corresponding learning roadmaps. This is designed to help give the new investor a nuanced picture of ways of investing, breaking down possible misconceptions of what investing is and finally take them by the hand towards the most fitting investment approach.


Following a learning journey

A linear learning journey offers new investors a structured and systematic approach to mastering investment skills. By following a well-organized path, of curated resources they can build a strong foundation and progressively enhance their decision-making abilities. This method helps reduce overwhelm, ensures crucial concepts are not missed, and when they have gotten through all the steps feel confident about making their own investment decisions.


The profile page

As the new investor progresses through their Investor Journey they will incrtesingly add more detail to their profile page. This is a summed page of all their aggregated knowledge they feel defines them as an investor. It allows the investor to have a personalized investment hub to stay grounded during market ups and downs, but it is also serves as great communicative tool. The page can be shared publicly or with friends to spark inspiration, while having full control over privacy settings to adjust of who sees what. 

Responsive design

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Responsive design is a design principle to create user interfaces that adapt to different screen sizes. As the digital landscape evolves and device preferences change, it's essential for a digital service to remain user-friendly and accessible for all users. This ultimately enhances engagement and increases conversion rates.

Creation Process and design considerations 


The process taught in the google UX design course is based from the Design Thinking Process originally coined by Ideo. The activities for each of the phases here at the course was highly structured with clear next steps for the given situation. To me this has been extremely gifting as the course have expanded my "tool box" of problem solving approaches. I will in the following part of this case study showcase the tools used here.  

All rights for the picture above goes to Google UX Design on Coursera.


Following a series of user interviews, three personas were created using Google's persona templates. The personas were developed as a means of empathizing with potential users of Investor Journeys. During the creation process, the generative AI image tool MidJourney was experimented with and used in conjunction with Photoshop to create the persona picture


Focusing on efficiency and productivity, a competitive audit, brainstorming was used for ideation


site mapping, and a series of digital hand-drawn wireframes were created to advance the concept. I believe that visualizing the site is the most effective way to reflect on the service's functionality. I find that utilizing FigJam during this phase leads to the most frictionless transition for later prototyping in Figma, as all my captured thoughts are stored in the same location.

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A low fidelity prototype was designed to serve as a discussion tool during usability testing sessions with a diverse group of users from the target audience. Through these usability tests, valuable insights were gathered and transformed into actionable points, which were then incorporated into the final hi-fidelity conceptual prototypes to refine and optimize the user experience. Try my low-fidelity prototype here

Before After.png

Thank you for reading! I sincerely appreciate your interest in my creation piece. If you have any questions, comments or feedback regarding the creation, please reach out, I'll love to hear from you and give you my thoughts.

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